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Personalizing Prediction and Intervention in Mental Health (BSF-funded project)


In collaboration with our Dr. Aaron Fisher’s lab at UC Berkeley, we are conducting an innovative project aimed at advancing stratified and personalized mental health care through novel prediction and intervention methods. Our focus is on developing idiographic (person-specific) models to predict and address functional impairment and subjective distress in individuals experiencing mild-to-moderate depression and/or anxiety. In a pre-registered randomized controlled study, we leverage intensive data collection and advanced analytical techniques to test the effectiveness of targeted need-based interventions delivered in a very brief format (one 90-minute face-to-face session and a brief online follow session two weeks later).


Exploring the Multiplicity of Self-States in Everyday Life  (ISF-funded project)



This project, inspired by the schema therapy model, explores the concept of multiple self-states, a phenomenon recognized in various clinical theories but understudied empirically. The project involves multiple studies employing various methodologies including experience sampling methods (ESM), memory harvesting and experimental priming, and psychophysiological monitoring to examine how individuals experience different "modes" or subjective states in the lab, the psychotherapy clinic, as well as daily life.

© 2021 by ARLAB, Bar-Ilan. 

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